GyroPalm Realtime Server
A secure websocket portal for bi-directional communication between GyroPalm devices and computers.
Overview provides a secured websocket server (WSS) on port 3200 exclusively for GyroPalm users and browsers to connect bi-directionally. This server requires authentication before any further communication is processed. Failed attempts to authenticate or invalid payload messages will result in an immediate connection rejection.
Protocol Info
Endpoint: wss://
Payload Type: JSON
Payload Encoding: UTF-8
Authentication parameters: apiKey, wearableID
Maximum send rate: 15 FPS (once every 66~67 ms)
Keep-Alive Heartbeat: Once every <60 seconds
The heartbeat payload is as follows:
Note: Heartbeat payload can be sent at any time, even without authentication. Message and command payloads have a maximum send rate of 15 FPS. Any device exceeding this rate will be dropped.
To familiarize with the concepts of WSS and test your implementations in GyroPalm Realtime
without fully building out your app, you may use an online websocket client such as WebsocketKing, which provides many great capabilities such as "multi-pane" parallel connections, saved payload presets, and output logging. Optionally, the Postman client also now offers websocket support.
Here is a demonstration of a test browser and test wearable communication side-by-side in WebsocketKing:
Authentication Protocol
Both GyroPalm wearables and browser connect to the endpoint mentioned above. Upon successful connection, you will be greeted by a prompt. All clients connecting to WSS must authenticate after this message:
"action": "info",
"stat": "prompt",
"msg": "Welcome to GyroPalm Realtime. Please provide credentials."
This initial authentication helps the server determine whether the client is a wearable or browser.
Here is a template of the authentication JSON payload for a browser client:
Be sure to replace the wearableID
and apiKey
values with your own.
You can find your wearableID
by going to your Wearable Settings in the GyroPalm Dashboard. You can obtain an apiKey
for your account by requesting a new GyroPalm Cloud Project from the GyroPalm Dashboard. Remember, these credentials belong to you only. Please do not post them in your open-source repositories or publish them in articles.
For GyroPalm Studio developers only: Here is a template of the authentication JSON payload for a wearable client:
As noted above, to keep things secure, connecting to WSS as a wearable requires a wearable secret. Unless you are writing a custom firmware using GyroPalm Studio, you do not need to pose as a wearable client.
For GyroPalm Studio users, your wearableID
and secret
can be retrieved in the main code by calling gplm.myLicense.wearableID
and gplm.myLicense.secret
respectively. This assumes you instantiated the GyroPalmEngine
object and called it gplm
. Neither you or the end-user will ever need to look up their secret
Successful Auth
For browser clients, after successful authentication, you will get a confirmation similar to this:
"action": "info",
"stat": "success",
"msg": "Subscribed to gp00000000"
For wearable clients, after successful authentication, you will get a confirmation similar to this:
"action": "info",
"stat": "success",
"msg": "Device gp00000000 added"
Failed Auth
For browser clients, if your wearableID
and/or apiKey
do not match GyroPalm's records, you will be shown this message:
"action": "info",
"stat": "error",
"msg": "Unauthorized device"
For wearable clients, the wearableID
and secret
are validated using a proprietary licensing algorithm that factors in other user-based parameters. If those fail, the wearable will receive the same error message as shown above.
All failed authorizations get disconnected by the server. You may try again, but persistent failed connections in the same hour will become banned for a period of time.
Requesting Wearable Status
For browser clients, upon successful authentication, you will be automatically subscribed to the wearable's messages. This means the browser client will receive any events sent from the wearable. Additionally, the browser client will also receive updates when the wearable becomes Online or Offline.
Online Status Payload Examples
When wearable is online:
"action": "info",
"stat": "online",
"msg": "Wearable gp00000000 is online"
When wearable is offline:
"action": "info",
"stat": "offline",
"msg": "Wearable gp00000000 is offline"
Manually Requesting Device Status
Sometimes, if your browser client needs to retrieve the latest status of the wearable (i.e. browser connected when the wearable is already online), you can request for the wearable's status by sending the following payload:
You will receive a similar response:
"action": "info",
"stat": "online",
"msg": "Wearable gp00000000 is online",
"duration": "1.55 mins"
Note that by requesting the status manually, you will also get the duration
value, which is the number of minutes the wearable is online. After a wearable goes offline, the duration
parameter gets reset to 0. Duration is not counted when a device is offline.
Sending a Command to Wearable
Commands can be sent to the wearable. Here is an example payload to send data to a GyroPalm Encore wearable:
In the near future, we will discuss "native commands" that will make the wearable do certain actions such as show alerts, vibrate, set time, etc.
Sending data from the Wearable
This payload is specific to wearable client. If you are not a GyroPalm Studio developer, this does not apply.
"action": "pub",
"wearableID": "gp00000000",
"sensorVal": "{\"someKey\":\"someVal\"}"
The wearable must be first authenticated prior to sending data. If the wearable sends data without introducing itself, the following error will occur:
"action": "info",
"stat": "error",
"msg": "You are not authorized to use this route"
Send REST API from Wearable
The GyroPalm Encore can perform REST API calls over HTTPS. However, for lower latency, the same REST request can be relayed over Websockets by simply adding a key called action
with value as api
. Note that only wearables may perform this function.
General API Calls
"action": "api",
"method": "POST",
"url": "",
"headers": {
'Wearable-Id': 'gp36185824',
'Secret': 'gp63455028551ce391',
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
"form": {
"apiKey": "abc123",
"wearableID": "gp123456"
Typical Reply
The msg
key will contain the HTML, JSON, or string response given by the API server.
"action": "info",
"stat": "output",
"url": "",
"msg": "OK"
Calls to GyroPalm Central V2
The GyroPalmRealtime
object and documentation provides you simplified methods to make API calls to the GyroPalm Central V2 server without sending it the full API request. This makes it easier both sides.
"action": "central",
"endpoint": "tuya/control",
"wearableID": "gp123456",
"secret": "gp00000000",
"body": "devIndex=9&code=switch&state=on"
Incoming Data
When the browser client receives incoming data from the wearable, the payload will be similar to this format:
"action": "data",
"gp00000000": "{\"someKey\":\"someVal\"}"
When the wearable client receives incoming data from the browser, the payload will be similar to this format:
"action": "data",
"command": "{\"someKey\":\"someVal\"}"
Terms and Disclaimer
By using this cloud resource or any GyroPalm SDK, you agree to be legally bound by the GyroPalm Terms of Use and Disclaimer. You can find the complete terms at